Whoever you are, wherever you are from, you are welcome here.
Coldharbour Evangelical Free Church is a Bible believing community of Christians committed to worshipping God, proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and equipping His people.
Are you new here?
All are welcome as we learn to follow Jesus together.
We have many great opportunities for you and your family to join us throughout the week.
“22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.”
- GALATIONS 5:22-23 (ESV)
Our Sunday morning service starts @11AM and lasts for approximately 75 minutes. All ages are encouraged to attend. Please click on our Youtube link to catch up on missed sermons or to listen a second time.
Every FIRST & THIRD Sunday @6:30PM, we offer an in-depth Bible Study. This study lasts for approximately an hour and is followed by tea and coffee.
Sunday School is held every Sunday morning during Sunday Worship @11AM. It’s a great opportunity for all Primary age children to learn lessons from the Bible on their level.
Every SECOND & FOURTH Sunday @6:30PM, we host a service dedicated to the praise of God through His Word and prayer. The service lasts approximately and hour and is followed by tea and coffee.
We offer four different small groups throughout the week. These groups are a great opportunity to meet together for prayer and to go deeper into the sermon that was preached on Sunday. If you’re interested, please contact the church and we will get you connected to a group that works best for you.
Special Branch is a time of fun, laughter, and Bible teaching for children in Primary School (years 3-6). This club meets every WEDNESDAY from 6:15PM - 7:30PM.
The créche is available on Sunday mornings during Sunday Worship for every child who has not started Primary School. Our goal is to not simply entertain your little ones, but to teach them songs and lessons from the Bible on their level.
This group is for children who have not started primary school. It meets from 10AM-12PM every Thursday during term. It provides a great opportunity to get to know other parents from the area as well as Bible teaching, music, and crafts for the kids. Please contact us if interested as there are limited slots available.
YP is a club for teens (years 7-11). There are lots of great activities, games, and Bible teaching available every FRIDAY from 7:30PM-8:45PM.
MENistry is focused on ministering to the men of Coldharbour Church. We gather together throughout the year for Bible Study, breakfast, and fellowship. All men are welcome. For more information about upcoming events, please click on the MENistry link on our “Ministries” tab.
Ladies Ministry
Several times throughout the year, the ladies of Coldharbour gather together for Bible Study, food, and fellowship. Please find further details concerning upcoming events by clicking on the “Ministries” tab above.
Enquirers Class
A couple of times per year, we offer this class for those who are interested in learning more about what our church believes and teaches. This class is a prerequisite for baptism and church membership. For more information or to find out when the class is offered next, please contact us.
“22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.”
- GALATIONS 5:22-23 (ESV)